Cocaine Bear Game
What is it?
I created a game based off the movie "Cocaine Bear" which came out in February 2023. The game is a simple mini-game where you have to manage your 'cocaine' meter and health while NPCs try to kill you. Some bags are held by players, others are just around the map.
The objective of the game is to collect all the bags of cocaine on the map. Once the bear accomplishes this, you win! However, there are dangers out there! There are enemies which hold bags of cocain but have weapons which can damage you. There are also environmental factors you must navigate in order to get the cocaine you so desire.
The game was made in Unity and consists of assets from the Unity store.
NPCs in this game were a simple state machine. They ran away from the bear - at a slower speed than the bear - and tried to navigate to certain 'hooks' placed around the map. The hooks are areas where the NPCs can hide from the bear, such as in the ranger station or up in a tree. If the NPCs are damaged by the bear while in a hook, they will seek out another place to hide.
There are combat NPCs which aim to kill you with their gun. They will follow the same state machine as the other NPCs, but will be able to shoot you while they are running. Since they are running, their range and accuracy are limited.